It's AGM time again - Save the date
Our AGM and Spring Social will take place as usual on the 24th May 2023 at 6:30pm at the Baptist Church Hall in Seaford.

A brief AGM which includes the election of office bearers, will be followed by neighbourly socialising over the road at the White Lion. No RSVP is required and an agenda will be circulated along with the annual accounts for 2022 year end by email. To subscribe to the mailing list please visit
Get Involved
To get involved with the NHW as more than just a Great Neighbour, and hold office on the Committee, please email
Roles are varied and can be as simple and social as being a Street Representative for your road, or a Sector or Area Co-ordinator, or an executive office bearer. Typically NHW takes up no more than about an hour or so a week.
Open to All
Because we have been around so very long, we consider every resident of Seaford & Bishopstone automatic beneficiaries of the work we do, whether they are registered members or not. Joining the Neighbourhood Watch is free but our association relies on Subs to keep doing what we do, remain largely independent, and to lend a hand to other community organisations and town endeavours from time to time. To join the Association, please visit Subs have remain unchanged since 2016 at £3.00 per household per year (and discounted to £2.00 a year for senior households).
Stay in the Know
There are three ways to do this depending how in the know you want to be...
Subscribe to our mailing list. This will mean you get alerts and news from time to time about safety, scams, things affecting out town and such like. You can do this on our home page You control your subscription to the mailing list, so if you have had enough, just click the "unsubscribe" link on any email you get from us.
Join the Association. You can do this in under a minute at . Just choose the subscription that is most relevant to you and follow the onscreen prompts. You control your subscription and it will automatically renew every year until you change it.
Create a member account. This is if you want deep immersion in our NHW and is free. It gives you the ability to form interest groups, contribute to our blog, build neighbourliness, and is where all our Street, Sector and Area Reps will eventually gather online. To create a member account with your own login, visit

If you click the" Log In" tag at the top right hand side of the screen, you will automatically be taken to the create a log in page...if you already have a log in (and forgot) you can reset your password from the same page. If you would like to be a contributory blogger, please drop an email to
Please remember to save the date for the AGM and Social - 24th may 2023 @ 6pm.
See you there.